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Acerca de la convención

Las convenciones del condado son cuando todos los delegados del condado (elegidos en la Noche del Caucus, designados posteriormente o suplentes) se reúnen para llevar a cabo asuntos del partido cada año. Este año, los delegados del condado votarán por los candidatos para cualquier cargo en disputa (más de un candidato demócrata). Los delegados del condado votarán según la plataforma del partido del condado. Por favor llegue con un comprobante de identificación y recuerde usar calzado cómodo.

Question: I didn't get elected or appointed as a delegate. Can I still come?

Answer: Yes! You do not need to be a delegate to participate. However, only certified and registered delegates may vote in elections. Non-delegate participants can meet with other attendees, get to know candidates, and observe/participate meetings.

Question: How do I get there on public transportation?

Answer: We encourage you to carpool or take public transit. You can use UTA’s trip planner app here.


Question: I flipped my party affiliation to Republican. Can I still come?

Answer: You bet! We are an open party, meaning that anyone affiliated or unaffiliated with a party can come to the event. But only Delegates will be able to vote. 

Question: Shoot! I really want to come but I have another commitment. Can I participate virtually?

Answer: Yes. In-person and online registration begin at 8am. Delegates who register in person or online the day of Convention will receive an electronic ballot. The Salt Lake County party will email out links to delegates and assigned alternate delegates the day of Convention, and allow in-person alternate delegate registration. Delegates  must be registered by Saturday 3/22 at 12:00pm. Alternate delegate appointment occurs in person from 12:00-1:00pm.

Question: Am I a delegate in a contested race?

Answer: Yes!  All delegates will vote in the Salt Lake County At Large race. Delegates in Salt Lake County District 4 will vote between two candidates. Certain delegates may vote in contested house races. 

Question: Will there be food? 

Answer: Food will not be provided by the Salt Lake County Democratic Party; however, there will be food sold at nearby restaurants on Fort Union Blvd, some candidates will offer snacks, and there will be three food trucks on site.

Question: What is a Caucus?

Answer: A caucus is a group of people who meet with a common purpose. Issue caucuses, for example the Women's Caucus, Young Dems, Veterans, LDS Dems etc., meet to discuss issues important to them, and possibly endorse candidates. Caucus meetings have been happening virtually two weeks prior to the Convention and we have posted about them on our website and social media. The best way to figure out what a caucus is is to go to a meeting or find them online. While it is not required to attend caucuses, it is often a great first step into getting involved in the political process


Question: What is the Platform?

Answer: The Salt Lake County Democratic platform can be found here. It's what we stand for as a party and as a delegate, you get a say in this! Join us in ratifying our Platform and marching together towards our common goals.

Question: What do I need to bring?

Answer: Snacks! And water. Usually there is a food truck, but when in doubt, have a good breakfast, or bring a protein bar or sandwich as a backup. It doesn't hurt to bring a pen and maybe a notepad for notes. Maybe a cell phone charger or a book. Bring patience, a good attitude, and maybe a few bucks to donate to the party.

Question: What about State Convention?

Answer: State Convention will be in person this year at Cottonwood High School on April 27th. All the State Convention details can be found here.

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© 2024 by Salt Lake County Democratic Party


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