Here is a sampling of upcoming events in October that you can participate in to spread the word. Check out our events calendar and social media to see how you can get involved.
Featured Event: Monster Mash for the Muni’s!
Upcoming Central Committee Meeting
We are excited to announce the upcoming Central Committee meeting, which promises to be an important and engaging event. Mark your calendars for the following details:
Meet the Candidates: Get to know the candidates who are running for various positions within our organization.
Special Guest Speaker: We are honored to welcome Salt Lake County Recorder Rashelle Hobbs as our special guest speaker. She will share valuable insights and perspectives.
2024 Plans and Budget: Gain insights into our organization's plans for 2024 and review the proposed budget.
Constitutional Amendment: We will be ratifying a constitutional amendment that addresses e-voting for SLCo Committees. Be part of this important decision.
Lunch and Training Session: RSVP for lunch and training after the meeting and enjoy some networking and casual discussions with fellow committee members. After the meeting, there will be an Intro to Democratic Politics training led by Chair Velazquez. It’s a great opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge. Click here to RSVP for the training by 10/18.
September Events Recap
We had a busy and exciting month of September with a variety of fun events. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the success of these events. Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities in the future! Here's some of the highlights:
Members had the opportunity to participate in a training session where they learned the fundamentals of democratic politics. It was a valuable learning experience for everyone involved.
A delightful happy hour event was hosted at Fiddlers Elbow/Locker Room by the Drinking Liberally crew with special guest Lannie Chapman, Salt Lake County Clerk. It provided an informal setting for members to interact with Ms. Chapman and discuss important topics.
The Margarita Ball, hosted by the Hispanic Caucus, was a lively and culturally enriching event. Members enjoyed a night of tacos, celebration, and camaraderie while raising money to support Hispanic candidates across the State.
Our organization set up a table at the Burning Sissy Valley BIPOC Pride Event to register voters. It was an opportunity to engage with the community, raise awareness, and show our support for BIPOC pride.
County Forum Luncheon Recap
We had a wonderful time hearing from Robert Gehrke at our recent County Forum Luncheon. Thank you to everyone who attended the luncheon and to all of our County Forum members! Your donations are what drive all of the great work we do here at the party. Did you miss the fun this time around? Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next County Forum Luncheon on Thursday December 7th.
We also have a brand new County Forum referral program!
Basic Membership = 1 free merch item for new member and referrer
Plus 1 Membership = 2 free merch items each
Triple Crown = merch basket, +1 ticket to events, and newsletter shout-out
Star Recruiter = newsletter and Convention shout-out and +1 ticket to all events
Stay tuned for more updates, events, and opportunities to get involved. Let's continue to build a stronger, more inclusive future. Click here to see upcoming events.