Join us for our upcoming events. Check out our events calendar and social media to see how you can get involved.

Left to right: Townhall with Rep. Gay Lynn Bennion and Cottonwood Heights D4 Councilwoman Ellen Birrell; Dedication of the Joe Hill memorial at Sugarhouse Park with Will Kocher, Brad Asay and Brandon Dew; Amber Hendrix, Jose Vivanco-Jimenez, Brett Garner, Jade Velazquez, Sophia Hawes-Tingey and others at the monthly happy hour; State School Board Member Sarah Reale presenting at the Women’s Democratic Club Luncheon.

Left to right: South Salt Lake Councilman-elect Nick Mitchell and volunteers at a honk and wave event; Amber Hendrix, Murray Councilman David Rodgers, Murray Councilwoman Rosalba Dominguez and Jade Velazquez at a candidate appreciation event; Candidate for Draper City Council Jordan Davis, House District Chair Lisa Thompson and Amber Hendrix at a candidate appreciation event; Salt Lake County Clerk Lannie Chapman, Murray City Councilwoman Rosalba Dominguez, Jade Velazquez and John Martinez touring the ballot counting facility.
Thank you to all our volunteers for our GOTV phone banks. Here is a photo from our last night of making calls to support candidates. Together we made over 2,000 phone calls!
County Forum Invite
Get ready for an exclusive insight into the political landscape! Join us for a power-packed County Forum donor circle lunch featuring House Minority Leader Rep. Angela Romero and Senate Minority Leader Luz Escamilla. Dive into a legislative session preview, where they'll unravel what to expect in January, offering a firsthand glimpse into the bills that will shape our collective future. Your presence is not just attendance—it's a front-row seat to the heartbeat of upcoming legislative action.

We also have a brand new County Forum referral program!
Basic Membership = 1 free merch item for new member and referrer
Plus 1 Membership = 2 free merch items each
Triple Crown = merch basket, +1 ticket to events, and newsletter shout-out
Star Recruiter = newsletter and Convention shout-out and +1 ticket to all events
Mark your calendars for Caucus Night on March 5, 2024 and the State Convention on April 28, 2024.

Stay tuned for more updates, events, and opportunities to get involved. Let's continue to build a stronger, more inclusive future. Click here to see upcoming events.